Saturday Night

Filed under: General news, Over 35 team, Saturday LSL team by: Mick Greene

The Saturday team are going for pints this Saturday night. We are going to start in the Barge about 8ish……Full Saturday attendance expected except for players called out to play Sunday! In that case you will have to be in bed by 3a.m.

5 Responses to “Saturday Night”

  1. Niall Hanratty Says:

    Martin Costello said he isnt going for pints cos he’s off the Beer.


  2. Thom Says:

    i heard he wasn’t coming cus he was going dancing with lee

  3. Mick Greene Says:

    Well done goes to Hanno who asked the bouncer to let him know when 1am arrived. The bouncers then helped him to the front door. In bed by 2am with Sunday in mind…..

  4. martincostello Says:

    Good discipline from the young apprentice. But is Paul’s rating on the match report for his performance on Sunday morning or saturday night? He certainly showed on saturday why he is regarded as the best dribbler at the club!

  5. Niall Hanratty Says:

    i was having major troubling locating the exits and was worried in case there was a fire.
    So the bouncer kindly got me in a firemans lift and brought me to the Exit.
    As they brought me outside and i did not have a valid stamp to regain Entry i was unable to rejoin the other spartak fellows inside boogeying away.

    Please note also i was not feeling too well on sunday due to a bout of illness that was not related to alcohol.
    My poor performance was soley down to my illness and not the dodgy shandy i had on saturday evening.