Social Night for Saturday Teams

Filed under: General news, Over 35 team, Saturday LSL team by: Mick Greene

On Saturday 21st November the Saturday team are going for pints in the Barge Pub. Its an open invitation to ALL Saturday players (including over 35’s) In the words of Shane McInerney it’s a “team bondin session, so everyone must attend.” Sunday players cannot attend for obvious reasons…..they will have a match the following morning!!

8 Responses to “Social Night for Saturday Teams”

  1. Niall Hanratty Says:

    whats a Soacial Night?

    Is it like a Social night?

  2. Mick Greene Says:

    What are you on about??

  3. Niall Hanratty Says:

    see you took the liberty of correcting yourself…touch√©

  4. Mick Greene Says:

    Again….what are you on about??

  5. martincostello Says:

    “Sunday players cannot attend for obvious reasons‚Ķ.

    Then you go and state the obvious(“they will have a match the following morning”- apologies mick you had to be pulled up on that.

    An English language administrator should be hired for this site!

  6. Mick Greene Says:

    I was only pointing this out for the slow people

  7. Niall Hanratty Says:

    are you including yourself in that category…?

  8. Mick Greene Says:

    Niall if your trying to get a Jason like reaction out of me its not going to work….