Money , money, money……
Filed under: General news, Over 35 team, Saturday LSL team, Sunday LSL team by:
Some lads have enquired as to the cost of running the club and where do subs go.
Here is a summary.
Training – Astro/Indoor etc €4800; League Fees and registrations €1500 Marlay €980 Footballs €300 Medical €200 Kit/training equip €500 Player of the year trophies €300
That’s a total cost of €8580 to run the club for a season.
Weekly subs (net of laundry and ref) for 3 teams for 20 games each should bring in around €4000 and annual subs around another €2000.
That leaves a shortfall of about €2580. This has to be met by sponsorship, Christmas draw, Quiz nights etc.
So we need a good attendance and effort for the quiz night on 8th October for a start……