Players Code
Spartak Dynamo is a club for guys who wish to enjoy playing football, in a good and competitive environment, amongst friends.
The club is long established and has a good reputation for sporting behaviour as well as the quality of football played. No clubs win trophies every year, so while it is vital to strive for the best results, it is also important that training and matches are enjoyed by all.
The purpose of this comment is to lay down some ground rules. It is appreciated that many players far exceed the standards of behaviour required – but there are always a few.
Spartak as a club has always upheld high standards of behaviour and as a result dissent or abusive behaviour is not tolerated. Players are required to conduct themselves in a sporting manner and be punctual for matches and training sessions.
Players must play their part in all of the things necessary to get the games played, including hanging nets and marking pitces.
Unfortunately keeping teams going is getting more expensive by the year. League fees, training costs, laundry, referees, all sap cash. Training on astro costs about €80-€90 per hour. Twice a week for 35 weeks plus associated public liability insurance means training alone will cost more than €6000 for the coming season.
Players must play their part – subs per game is €10. Annual subs are €50 , due by 31st Oct each season.
Players are expected to support THEIR club by strong contributions to any fundraising activities.
With regard to insurance, Spartak does not pay for player insurance, as it would be ruinously expensive, and generally represents poor value for money in the event of claims. So players are requested to consider their own requirements and take appropriate cover if required.